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1. What is the difference between Calcu and existing wrist-based wearables? 

The majority of wrist-based wearables currently available concentrate on monitoring cardiovascular health, relying on heart rate and heart rate variability data collected from a single point on the wrist.

In contrast, Calcu prioritizes providing users with data on their form and performance during strength training, which helps them progress more safely and efficiently. Calcu provides detailed information on maximum force output, form consistency, peak deceleration during sets, left and right symmetry, range of motion, and other performance metrics that current wearables cannot measure.

2. Would I be able to feel the sensors when I workout in Calcu clothes? 

Our sensors are designed to be so small that you won't even feel them. They are smaller than your pinky fingernail and have a thickness similar to a metal credit card. Furthermore, we conceal them within the seams of your clothes, which provides an additional level of comfort and cushioning.

3. Can I wash my Calcu clothes?

Absolutely. Simply remove the battery from your clothing item, and then machine wash using cold water on a gentle cycle. Once washed, you can tumble dry the clothes in a dryer.

4. What types of exercises are supported? 

Currently, our focus is on strength training, as it is a crucial element in all sports and physical activities. As we expand, we are constantly adding support for additional exercises. Presently, our platform supports exercises like deadlifts, including variations like trap bar deadlift, RDL, and single-leg RDL. Squats and their variations such as front squat, back squat, split squat, Bulgarian, and goblet squat are also supported. Additionally, we offer support for bench press exercises such as barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, incline bench press, and decline bench press, as well as explosive exercises such as broad jump, side shuffle, lunge jump, and box jump. We also have support for some machine exercises such as the leg press machine, hex squat machine, and chest press machine.

5. Where can I order a Calcu set? 

We are currently in the testing phase with a limited number of users, but we intend to begin accepting orders as we approach Q4 2023. If you would like to try a demonstration, please reach out to us at

6. How accurate is Calcu? 

At present, Calcu measurements are estimated to be approximately 97.8% accurate, but collecting more data is necessary to establish a definitive and accurate measurement of its precision. Moreover, we are continuously working towards enhancing the accuracy of our system to provide you with more precise data and recommendations.

7. How can I understand my metrics? 

After finishing your initial workout and having the data analyzed by Calcu, one of our team members with an exercise science background will contact you to schedule a call. During the conversation, we will give you a detailed breakdown of your metrics and tailored recommendations based on your performance. This will assist you in comprehending your metrics and pinpointing areas where you can enhance your fitness. Moreover, we are actively developing visual aids like charts, videos, and gifs to make the data more user-friendly for those without an exercise science background.

More questions? Email us at

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